Ar'neka Cooper, Owner of Resilient Spine

Meet Ar'neka--- she has a practice out in Sacramento, CA called Resilient Spine.
She decided to dive in head first to our PT Entrepreneur Mastermind. She knew she had great clinical and coaching skills but needed to learn how to actually build a solid business.
Let’s break down what happened:
Who? Ar'neka Cooper
Problem: "I was very unorganized. I did not have my stuff together. Essentially before I joined the Mastermind, I didn't have any plans or packages. People just kind of rolled with me."
Solution: PT Entrepreneur Mastermind (a 12 month coaching program for cash-based practice owners looking to dramatically grow their business)
Did it work? Yep, Ar'neka was able to organize her business finances and run a profitable clinic.
Here’s what Ar'neka had to say about the Mastermind: "The Mastermind has allowed me to figure out my finances. What it realistically looks like for me to live my best life financially. And how I can actually bring on more people and grow."
She’s hungry, driven, up for the work and she listens.
Too often entrepreneurs try to change everything at once and that’s a great way to get nothing accomplished. With Ar'neka, it was narrowing down exactly what she needed to do and help support the change.
Can it really be that simple?
Yes it can if you’re getting help from people that do this for a living. Stop listening to your friend that doesn’t know shit about business and start getting some actual guidance from people that have built multiple 7 figure businesses.
You’ve got to be hungry, driven, ready to listen and ready to implement the things that will change your career and business forever.
If this sounds like you, it’s time to get to work!
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How much is a lack of direction costing you? How much POTENTIAL PROGRESS has been lost in the sea of noise? Where could you be if you were executing a plan and not spinning your wheels?
A lack of direction and plan may already be costing you a great deal.
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