E433 | How To Be More Charismatic
Sep 16, 2021
Charisma. Are you born with it? Is it something that you can develop or improve over time? We all know charismatic people when we see them. Everyone can notice when someone is bringing attention to themselves in a positive way. Today, I wanted to tell you that if you are not charismatic, you can get there while still being true to yourself. Enjoy!
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Podcast Transcript
Danny: Hey, quick question. Raise your hand if you love documentation. My guess is basically nobody raised their hand except for that one weirdo that does like it. But most of us dislike it. It's part of the job though, and anything we can do to make that more efficient is always a win. We switched over to PT everywhere recently from my local practice, and one feature they have that I think has been a game changer is the voice of text note documentation feature they have where I can literally just dictate my notes and it will.
Populate within the actual note platform. I was shocked. I thought it would be incredibly inaccurate and I would've to fix everything, but it's really accurate and easy to do. I even just do it on my phone and I actually talk in what I wanted to do in between patients so that I can quickly do that while it's fresh in my mind and it doesn't pile up on me later in the day.
Save me a ton of time, save my staff a ton of. So if you're looking for a solid practice management solution, I would highly recommend checking out PT everywhere In particular, if you wanna save some time on notes, it's been a game changer for us. Head to PT everywhere.com. Check out their platform and see how it can save you some time in your office.
So here's the question. How do physical therapists like us who don't wanna see 30 patients a day, who don't want to work home health and have real student loans create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about? This is the question, and this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Matte, and welcome to the PT Entrepreneur Podcast.
What's up guys? Doc Danny here with the PT Entrepreneur Podcast, and today we're talking about the elusive charisma, charismatic people. Is it, are you born with it? Can you develop it? How you cultivate more charisma and be more charismatic when you are at live interactions or digital interactions?
Networking, teaching, a workshop, going to. Conference. How do you do it and what is it? It's a difficult thing to put your finger on, but I think that most people know it when they see it. And think about that for a second. Is there anybody that you know, you have seen present or you have been in interaction with?
May, maybe it's a local networking group or something like that, or you go to a con ed course. You can feel it like certain people are just charismatic. They draw attention towards them in a positive way and. Oftentimes we feel, okay, this is just a natural thing. This is an innate thing and it very well might be that it is.
But the reality is you can become more charismatic. And I talk about this book, the Charisma Myth all the time. It's one of my favorite books. I'm actually listening to it. Again, highly recommend this book. But as I'm going through it I think of my mentor, Kelly Tourette. What I've seen with him and the way he interacts with people and how, charismatic, he is in person and a lot of.
Can be broken down and replicated in a way that suits your own personality. And I learned this the hard way when I first started teaching for their group for Mobility Wad. I basically tried to like, do a lot of the same things that, that Kelly would do or say, and it just didn't lend itself well to my personality.
Like he would he would constantly threaten. Cock punch people like in in a funny way, it's if you can't do an overhead squat, with your hands together and feed together, you're gonna get a cock punch. And like I can't say that to somebody cuz I'm also not, 240 pounds.
For me it was just weird. And I had to realize that like my own style, my own way of educating people my own. Anecdotal stories and things that I was relaying had to be unique to me. But the underlying principles of how to effectively deliver that message and be charismatic and draw attention to what you're saying can be replicated and can be something that you can work on and improve.
And as I'm listening to this book again it's funny, I'm trying to distill these, this is a big, physical book down into a couple key concepts. And one of them that I keep coming back to is the idea that there's really three things that drive charisma or the appearance of charisma.
Because the reality is most people, especially successful people, Ha deal with imposter syndrome. They think that they don't know enough that they're not an actual expert. There's a study where they ask like all the students at the Harvard Business School, raise your hand if you think that you're the, the person that's slipped through the cracks and you shouldn't be here and Two thirds of the group raises their hands.
And these are like some of the smartest students in the world. And they all, three, three core or two thirds of them have imposter syndrome. I think it's very normal and frankly, I think it's a fairly healthy thing if you're able to deal with it because it also shows that.
You're probably not gonna be an arrogant individual. And confidence without humility is arrogance. And we don't want to trend towards the side of arrogance as much as confidence. And as I'm going back through this and distilling this down there's three things. That. I really think if you can focus on these and really set this as your intention for how you're going to interact with people, it's going to really help you get more from those interactions, get more from any interaction, frankly.
This could be talking to your kids. This could be at work talking to a coworker, having a difficult conversation with somebody. This could be presenting, this could be at a workshop. It could be a local networking group. It could be any number of things, but there's three main things. The first one is to be present.
The second one is to be confident, and the third one is to be compassionate. And all of these require active listening. Actively listening to somebody else, I think is frankly the key to all of these things because it's so rare, it's difficult for people to do and not get distracted. And to be present with somebody and actively listen to them, shows that, number one, you're compassionate, but also that you're.
Confident and you're willing to to stand there, to listen, to be a part of a conversation. And I think that for most people the linchpin really is presence, is being there, being aware of. People being aware of your interactions, of your of your surroundings and not necessarily just getting on your phone and avoiding things.
Acting like you're reading something or standing in the corner, leaned up against the wall and hoping something will go faster at these, especially these networking meetings that sometimes we have to go to as local business owners. They can suck. But if you can sit in your car for a couple moments before you go in, before you go and teach a work.
I used to go into the bathroom and, I would actually stand there by myself for a couple seconds and I would think about like how I wanted to come across to other people how I want to present myself. Internally, really make sure that I took a deep breath, set my posture of how I wanted to to move around.
And then I would, as soon as I walked out the door, it was on, it was game on. This is, it was, I was the person that was leading that. I was the person in charge. I was confident, I was present, I was listening, but I was compassionate to people as well and trying to help them take as much as they could from these interactions that, that they had.
So I think if, if you can take these three things and start to practice, And the next interaction that you have, for some of you, maybe you're in our mastermind and you're gonna be at the live event that we have, at the end of September. Perfect opportunity to start to work on these things.
If you're going to that local b and i group, next week, perfect opportunity to start working on these things. If you're going to one of your kids' school events or a birthday party, you don't really know anybody. Perfect opportu. To work on these things. And I've done, I've been both sides of it.
I've been the guy that's just like drinking a beer in the corner, waiting for the birthday party to be over. And I've been the guy talking to the parents' like mother about whatever, wherever she's coming from and, interacting with them and having a cool, story about what I learned about somebody.
And I'm sure they took more away from that Interac. Then me just sitting there drinking a beer and some lawn chair not really wanting to be there. And a lot of comes down to mindset. It's how you set, how you're gonna interact with people, how you're going to, perceive yourself first and how that, gets relayed to people externally, both in, in, in your words, but your body language as well, and in your mental state is a huge part of it.
In summary, if you can take these three, three things away, I think it will help you tremendously. It's being. Being confident and being compassionate with other people. Those three things will help you tremendously as far as in-person interactions go, coming across as charismatic in whatever form that is for you naturally.
Don't try to be me, don't try to be Kelly. Don't try to be, Steve Jobs. Don't try to be, whatever. Just be and try to weave those three things into who you are and you'll have your own variation of charism char.
Hey, real quick before you go, I just wanna say thank you so much for listening to this podcast, and I would love it if you got involved in the conversation. So this is a one-way channel. I'd love to hear back from you. I'd love to get you into the group that we have formed on Facebook. Our PT Entrepreneurs Facebook group has about 4,000 clinicians in there that are literally changing the face of our.
Profession. I'd love for you to join the conversation, get connected with other clinicians all over the country. I do live trainings in there with Eve Gigi every single week, and we share resources that we don't share anywhere else outside that group.
So if you're serious about being a PT entrepreneur, a clinical rainmaker, head to that group. Get signed up. Go to facebook.com/groups/ptentrepreneur, or go to Facebook and just search for PT Entrepreneur. And we're gonna be the only group that pops up under that.