E729 | A Reminder That Health Is Wealth

Jul 25, 2024
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In this episode of the podcast, Dr. Danny shares his thoughts on the importance of maintaining physical and mental health as we age. He begins by discussing a TV show called "The Reluctant Traveler" and how it has helped his family appreciate different cultures and traditions around the world.

Dr. Danny reflects on a powerful statement made by Eugene Levy in the show about the challenges of aging and the desire to stay young at heart. He then shares a personal anecdote about a man he met at the pool who struggled with mobility issues after a bike accident, underscoring the importance of physical health and the impact it has on daily life.

The speaker also delves into his own experience of neglecting his health when starting his business, highlighting the long-term consequences of not prioritizing self-care. He emphasizes the role of clinicians, especially those in performance-based practices, in helping individuals regain their health and ability to engage in activities they enjoy.

In conclusion, Dr. Danny urges clinicians to effectively communicate the transformative impact they can have on their patients' lives and emphasizes the value of prioritizing health as the greatest wealth one can possess. This episode serves as a reminder of the importance of investing in one's well-being and seeking help when needed to maintain a healthy and fulfilling life.

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So at the same time, don't neglect your physical health, your mental health for chasing other goals that maybe take up your time. And I was very guilty of this when we first started our business where, I very much neglected sleep. I very much neglected anything of mental health. I didn't train the way that, That I should have.

Hey, are you a physical therapist looking to leverage your skill set in a way that helps you create time and financial freedom for yourself and your family? If so, you're in the right spot. My name is Danny Matta and over the last 15 years, I've done pretty much everything you can in the profession. I've been a staff PT.

I've been an active duty military officer, physical therapist. I've started my own cash practice. I've sold that cash practice. And today my company, physical therapy business helped over a thousand clinicians start growing scale, their own cash practices. So if this sounds like something you want to do, listen up.

Cause I'm here to help you. Hey, what's going on? Dr. Danny here with the PGA on tour podcast. And today we're talking about something I picked up watching a TV show. With my kids. This is a show that my family and I walk watch called the reluctant traveler. It's Eugene Levy for those of you that watch Schitt's Creek.

He's been in best in ship or best in show a number of like. Especially I think he's Canadian Canadian comedies, but it's an interesting show because he basically it's a travel show. My, my family loves to travel. They love watching anything travel show related. Our number one show, by the way, if you haven't checked it out, somebody feed Phil.

It's like my favorite show on any streaming service. Cause it's the most positive man. It's if somebody made a a Labrador retriever into a human being, it would be Phil Rosenthal. Who's the guy that is the host of that show who wrote everybody loves Raymond. If you remember back in the day, the sitcom but anyway We like watching these travel shows.

Travel is a huge part of our life. It's something we really like to do. I think it's a big part of my family's just education in general, just seeing how other people live in other parts of the world. And it's cool to take that scope and apply it to yourself, even if it's just around the U S right.

Even if you just go into different places in the U S the way that the culture in like where I live in the Southeast and Georgia. Can be very different than if you go to Boston or if you go to Chicago or if you go to Bozeman, Montana, if you go to the Pacific Northwest, if you go to Moab, if you go to, Texas, like there's such variance in just the way people live and sort of their traditions and their customs and maybe it's their accent or their individual language.

But what's so fun is that they're also at the same time. So similar. Everybody wants the same things. Everybody wants to deliver a good life with their family. They want their family to be successful and happy. And they all have the same struggles too, right?

They all have the same frustrations and, stressors. They think about the same things. And that's what makes it so interesting for me to travel is to have these conversations with different people and just see how similar we are on a big ass planet. Where we're not in direct contact with each other.

But for many of us, we have similar thoughts and we have similar aspirations and we have similar frustrations at the same time. So we like watching these types of shows and we were watching this reluctant traveler show and Eugene Levy. Is in Germany and he's in some really fancy part of Germany, somewhere in the North.

I forget the name of it. It's like their Hamptons and he's at this really upscale wellness hotel, basically where it's like a, I guess it's like a wellness retreat sort of spa hotel. And we're watching the show and it towards the very end. He says something that I stopped it and I was like, wait a second, I hear that again.

And he says the worst part of being 76 is that you're not 36. And first of all, he's in really good shape for being 76. So I got to give him that. But that really hit me. He goes, the worst part of being 76 is you're not 36. And at the same time, earlier in that day, we took my family to the pool.

So we took our family to the pool and I ran into a guy that is one of our local representatives and he's a, like a business owner as well. And I, last time I saw him was a while ago, he had fallen off his bike and he broke like his elbow basically. And when I was talking to him, I was like, Hey man, how's the elbow.

And he's not good. Like I'm still getting pain down into my, in my elbow, down into my hand, having some issues with even just being on the computer for a while, or it hasn't really been able to work out the way that it's supposed to. He would like to, and this is over a year, by the way, it's been over a year since I, since last I talked to this guy about this.

Cause when I saw him, he was actually like in a sling. But one thing, and I, one thing he was telling about, I was asking like, what can't you do? And he's my daughter, who's his daughter's three, I think just asked him like to throw her in the pool and he couldn't do it because he can't.

Use his elbow to straighten it out enough to push a three rolled over his head fast enough to throw his daughter right In the water and I could tell when I asked him I was like that really bothered him And that's not something anybody wants to have to avoid. If you want to be interactive with your kids and they're like, yeah, throw me in the pool.

Like you want to go do it. You want to be active with them and have fun with them. And and as they get older, by the way, they get to a certain age where you can't throw these suckers. Like my daughter's 10 and I can still throw her. But man, it's gotten a lot harder than last year.

It's a constant battle for me to not lose strength and, but she's just getting, she gets bigger without even trying. So we'll see how many years I can go. I'm hoping to go until she's probably like in her thirties, maybe we'll see toss her in the pool. She's got to stop growing. For him to have to say, no, that's a challenge and that sucks.

And this idea that Health is wealth. We talk about this all the time, right? And watching this show That Eugene Levy was in it was obviously this was like a really over the top kind of spa place But for him to say the worst part of being 76 is that you're not 36 Is two things number one i'm 39 And don't not taking for granted the health that you do have and really using it, man.

And put your body to the test, go do fun shit. But also keep in mind that everybody that gets older just wishes they were younger. So at the same time, don't neglect your physical health, your mental health for. Chasing other goals that maybe take up your time. And I was very guilty at this when we first started our business where, I very much neglected sleep.

I very much neglected anything of mental health. I didn't train the way that, that I should have. And even when I didn't have very good. I D I didn't have very good energy because I just wasn't eating and I wasn't sleeping sleeping very much. And you can bounce back from some of those things, but It's hard.

And at a certain stage, it's very hard to bounce back and you can do some long term damage to yourself. Just even talking to this guy at the pool the other day, he's about my age and it was like frustrating for me to. You know here what he had to avoid and he was still having problems.

But when I asked him, I was like have you done anything with it? It's have you seen anybody is like what have you done to resolve this? He hasn't done anything, nothing, he's they told me I should probably go see physical therapy, but I've been busy. I haven't done it.

And for me, I hear, okay, you can't throw your daughter in the pool. And that's really frustrating. You can't exercise the way that you would like. You can't do all of these things you're telling me are important to you but you're not willing to make the time. To go and like work with somebody that can help you resolve that.

And we make these trade offs because we have other things are important to us. But what I'm getting at with this is basically this, you as a clinician, especially a clinician that is more of a, what I would consider a performance based clinician, the type of clinician, the type of practice, like we, we started the type of practices like I work with on the business side and PT biz works with on the business side.

These are. Unique individuals that can help people get out of pain, but also help them get back to the things that they really enjoy doing. So they can help Eugene Levy at 76 feel closer to 36 cause he's functionally able to do so much. They can help somebody that has to avoid throwing their kids in the pool, get back to it and a lot more, but they don't, No, that right there.

They're not aware of that. They are, but they don't really trust that. That's the case. And if you think that you're telling people enough about what you do, the little miracles you help people with on an ongoing basis, you're not talking about it enough. You're not.

Beating the drum of what you help people do because ultimately health is wealth. Everybody that gets to any age Anybody that has you know money if you have somebody that's worth You know a billion dollars and they're 98 years old and they could take that billion dollars and be dead broke They could trade it out And they could be 38 again. They would trade in a heartbeat. They would give it all away. They would be dead broke and they would be younger because that's how important it is. That's how important health is. And when they say health is wealth, it really absolutely is. And in a society, in a population that is getting.

Less and less healthy every single year. It's really important to remember where you fit as a catalyst and ability to really help those people achieve the goals that they want to achieve and be able to do so and build a business around that. That is an incredible business to own. That is very impact driven.

That really helps people, a great business to run as well. Just, if you look at sheer business numbers. But actually make a huge impact on people that need your help, but they don't know that you exist. They, and if they don't think that you can help them the way that you know, you can help them. So if you think that you're marketing yourself too much, you think that you're constantly saying the same things.

You're not saying enough. I promise you, because. There's people out there like my friend at the pool that have literally spent the last year avoiding stuff. And I've got to try to, hopefully connect him with the right person and he'll make the decision to, to get some help, and that's on us to make sure that he feels comfortable, that we can help him out.

So if you think that you're talking too much about what you do and the people that you help, So keep going. You're not talking enough. There's way more people that we can help and health is wealth. People are starting to realize that.

Hey Peach entrepreneurs. We have big exciting news, a new program that we just came out with that is our PT biz part time to full time five day challenge over the course of five days. We get you crystal clear on exactly how much money you need to replace by getting you ultra clear on how much you're actually spending.

We get you crystal clear on the number of people you're going to see and the average visit rate you're going to need to have in order to replace your income to be able to go full time. We go through three different strategies that you can take to go from part time to full time, and you can pick the one that's the best for you based on your current situation.

Then we share with you the sales and marketing systems that we use within our mastermind that you need to have as well. If you want to go full time in your own practice. And then finally, we help you create a one page business plan. That's right. Not these 15 day business plans. You want to take the small business association, a one day business plan.

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It's totally free It's something I think is going to help you tremendously As long as you're willing to do the work if you're doing the work you're getting a Information put down and getting yourself ready to take action in a very organized way. You will have success which is what we want to head to forward slash challenge and get signed up today.