Overcoming Fear to Start Your Physical Therapy Clinic

Jul 17, 2024
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First off, this is a series based on our guide HOW TO START A PHYSICAL THERAPY CLINIC SIDE HUSTLE - THE ULTIMATE GUIDE. You can check it out to learn about all of the aspects of starting a physical therapy clinic side hustle!

Fear is a natural part of starting any business, especially a physical therapy clinic. Dr. Danny Matta, a seasoned physical therapist and entrepreneur, shares invaluable insights on navigating these fears based on his extensive experience. Here's a closer look at how you can overcome fear and turn your dream into reality.

Embrace the Fear of the Unknown

One of the biggest fears when starting your clinic is financial uncertainty. Will you be able to replace your current income? Dr. Matta highlights the importance of understanding your expenses, calculating your burn rate, and planning your income replacement strategy.

Utilizing resources like the five-day challenge at can provide clarity and a roadmap for financial success.

Overcome the Fear of Failure

Fear of failure often stems from societal pressures and personal expectations. It's the fear of public embarrassment if the venture doesn’t succeed.

Dr. Matta emphasizes that failure is a learning experience. Even if the clinic doesn't thrive, the lessons learned are invaluable and can significantly shape future endeavors.

Distinguish Between Fear and Danger

Understanding the difference between fear and actual danger is crucial. Fear is an emotional response to uncertainty, while danger is a real threat to your safety and well-being.

By recognizing this distinction, you can better manage your fears and make informed decisions that propel your clinic forward.

Navigate the Expansion Stage

Expanding your clinic brings a new set of fears. Increased overheads, taking on loans, and the responsibility of supporting employees can be daunting.

Dr. Matta compares this stage to the feeling of going too fast while snowboarding – you must lean into the speed to maintain control. Similarly, embracing the expansion phase with confidence and strategic planning is essential.

Focus on the Bigger Picture

Beyond financial stability and personal success, owning a clinic allows you to impact others’ lives positively. Dr. Matta finds the most rewarding aspect is the growth and improvement of his staff and the opportunity to mentor them.

This broader perspective can help mitigate fears and inspire you to persevere through challenges.

Utilize Available Resources

Taking advantage of resources tailored for physical therapy entrepreneurs can ease the journey. Programs like the PT Biz part-time to full-time five-day challenge offer structured guidance on replacing your income, developing sales and marketing systems, and creating a concise business plan.


Fear is an inherent part of starting a physical therapy clinic, but it doesn't have to be a barrier. By embracing fear, distinguishing it from real danger, planning strategically, and focusing on the broader impact, you can overcome these challenges.

Remember, the journey might be daunting, but the rewards of creating a successful clinic and impacting lives are worth it. As Dr. Danny Matta says, "If it was easy and guaranteed, everybody would do it. The risk makes it exciting and worthwhile."

Ready to elevate your practice? Book a call at the link below with one of our expert consultants today and start your journey to delivering unparalleled physical therapy.

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