E619 | The Two Most Important Skills To Focus On
Jun 29, 2023
In this episode, Doc Danny explores the impact that technology and artificial intelligence are having on the job market. He argues that being creative and having a strong sense of humanity are two qualities that will become increasingly valuable in the coming years.
Doc Danny references Seth Godin's new book, which emphasizes the importance of developing significance within businesses and organizations.
Despite the rise of automation, Doc Danny believes that physical therapy is a profession that will remain insulated from these changes. This is because it requires in-person connections and human interactions, which cannot be easily replicated by machines.
He also suggests that anyone struggling to adapt to change or come up with solutions should focus on developing their humanity - a quality that healthcare and physical therapy are particularly good at fostering.
Doc Danny concludes the episode by encouraging parents to teach their children to be independent thinkers and creative problem solvers. He emphasizes the importance of treating people with respect and being a good example for the next generation.
Overall, this episode provides valuable insights into the changing job market and the skills that will be most valuable in the future.
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Podcast Transcript
 Danny: Hey, real quick, before we get started, head over to Facebook and join the PT entrepreneurs Facebook group. If you haven't done so yet, we have monthly live trainings going on there. There's an opportunity for you to join in the conversation instead of just listening to what I have to say on this podcast, as well as the people that I bring on.
And it's a really cool place to join about 6, 000 other clinicians that are. Honestly, trying to change the landscape of our profession through these cash and hybrid practices. One other thing that's really cool is we have a guide in there. That's a quick start guide. When you join, you can go and check this out.
There's about seven videos that we've curated that are the most common questions we get in the best case studies that we've found to really help you start, grow, and scale your practice up to seven figures. So if you haven't done so yet, head to Facebook request to join the PT entrepreneurs Facebook group.
You have to be a clinician. We're going to check you out. We don't just let anybody in. But if you are, Hey there, go ahead, get signed up. We'd love to have the conversation with you in that group.
So here's the question. How do physical therapists like us who don't want to see 30 patients a day, who don't want to work home health and have real student loans, create a career and life for ourselves that we've always dreamed about? This is the question. And this podcast is the answer. My name's Danny Matei.
And welcome to the PT entrepreneur podcast,
what's going on guys. Dr. Danny here with the PT entrepreneur podcast. And today I want to share something that I actually just learned recently that I thought was really impactful, especially when we look at physical therapy, right? And the profession that we all are in that we all, come from, if you're not seeing patients anymore, you definitely came up in that industry, in that world.
And if you look around today, There's a lot of things that are that are changing and I don't know if maybe this is just because I'm a little older and my kids are, 11 and nine and I just see, I look at what the employment landscape is going to be like for them and what the world is going to look like for them in terms of, as they're adults and they're, And one of the things that I think is interesting is just how much technology is rapidly changing and not just, obviously recently, but it's been changing for a long time and it changes every year.
But if we look at things like artificial intelligence and the ability to automate many things and outsource many things to technology, you start to realize, that a lot of skills that people have are going to be replaced. Thank you. By automation and by artificial intelligence and the people that best understand how to utilize those are going to be in a very favorable place as far as the job market is concerned.
Now, one caveat to that, that I would say is that if you are in an industry that requires. In person connections, in person interactions. I think you're going to be far more insulated from some of the changes that are going to occur in many other job sectors. And this brings me to something that I learned recently, which was from Seth Godin.
I'm reading the new Seth Godin book that he wrote. And he's somebody that's prolific. I think he's written maybe 20 books. Total, and a lot of them are business, marketing, whatever. This one is it really has to do with significance and the development of significance within your company and your organization or any team that you're a part of.
And the one thing that he said that I thought was really fascinating and only, maybe a few chapters into this book is the two things that are going to become more and more valuable are going to be creativity and humanity. And I'll say that again because I think it's so important that you things are gonna become more and more valuable are going to be creativity and humanity and what he means by that.
And I guess, and I'll give you my take on it as well is the ability to be creative and come up with solutions to problems and understand how like things are going to work together. That's going to be very hard to automate. That's going to be very hard to develop through, artificial intelligence.
Like that, I don't think we're very close to that. It's really like task driven. It's aggregation of data driven. It helps people be more efficient in a lot of ways. And I think that's happening very quickly. And in many cases, many industries happening right now. But being able to be creative in different situations and different context that's gonna be really hard to do.
And that's something that I think with my kids as well, I think about this as what is important for them to learn? And it's not multiplication tables and who the 16th president of the U S is and all the things that are just information driven that they learn on tests. What they need to know is they need to learn how to Be a independent thinker and solve problems to be creative to, understand how to fit into an environment that might be changing quickly.
These are things that require creativity. And I think that's very important. So if you're someone that struggles with coming up with, solutions to problems or doesn't like adapting to change. I think that's something that's going to be a negative for you going forward. But where you can make up for that is on the other side, which is humanity.
And by meaning what he means by humanity is like the human element of business, the human element of working with someone else being compassionate towards other people, and that is something that I think our industry absolutely is. Best in the world at, there's many, healthcare in general is great when it comes to, the human side of things.
But when you look at what we get a chance to do, where we get to work with other people face to face and take them from a place of frustration. And pain and restriction and activities that they love and move them back to a future state where they are active again. They know how to take care of their body.
They're enjoying the people around them. They're living longer, they're enjoying life longer. That is the epitome of humanity, in my opinion. And as clinicians, it is, it's. Really something that is just part of the job, right? I think maybe we take it for granted, but it is such a valuable thing to other people, such a valuable thing to, the economy in terms of what people are willing to pay for services like this.
And I also see more and more people moving towards. wanting to solve problems long term, be more proactive and be less reactive with healthcare. And I'll give you a good example of this. I was at a birthday party yesterday for one of our neighbors and one of my other neighbors is a physician.
He's a internal medicine doc. And. He is really looking at potentially making the shift to what he calls lifestyle medicine, or we call integrative or functional medicine because he's just so tired of a limited amount of time with people, just basically just having these sort of allopathic, take this medication and try to.
Try to exercise and, eat better and like he gets no time with these people and he knows that he could make a bigger impact on people and he could educate people on the right things to do. And he does a lot of stuff on his own. He's a healthy person that he wants to share with other people.
And the, the world is really looking for more and more of this. You can see like health trends. This is more and more acceptable. To look at blood panels proactively, right? And he was talking to me about gut microbiome stuff and fecal samples and all this other stuff that like people are Much more accepting of now than they were even, 10 years ago.
So I see it trending that direction. And I think that if we look at this sort of changing economic landscape that we're in and changing quickly over the next, let's just call it decade, I just think people are going to be seeking out more and more of these skills of both creativity and.
Humanity and humanity is something that we crush as physical therapists. Like it is just part of the job and it's something that we're really good at. And we get a lot of time with patients and we build a lot of trust. And it's something that is one of the better parts. Of the job to my neighbor's point, right?
He wants more time with people. We take for granted how Lucky we are to work with fewer people and have more time in these cash based practices. It's it's one of the greatest personal rewarding parts Of the actual job, right? So don't forget that and anyway, I just wanted to be optimistic with you about the future of my profession our profession, right and the ability to be creative Which I look at as entrepreneurship man, what a great vehicle to be creative.
I love it. I thrive in those environments and I really enjoy the game that is being creative in these sort of environments. You don't really know exactly what's going to happen for some people. They may hate that, right? Put that together with the humanity side of things and really the human touch of different things.
And really great customer experience, which comes from humans talking to other humans, helping other humans with things, making sure that they're, getting the things that they need. It's very hard to just straight automate all of that. And those are the areas that I think you can really focus on and win.
And so anyway, I hope that this helps you. I hope that this gives you some optimistic, views on our profession in particular, but also in the areas that I think. That focusing on skills. If you do have kids, if you do have people that, are evolving into this new works space, I absolutely think that those are two areas that need to be learned.
Those are things that are not taught in school that is taught in the house. That's taught with your family. That's taught with interactions that they see. It's like, how do you treat people? That, that is how your kids are going to treat people. Are you A decent human to other human beings because that is in my opinion.
That's the definition of humanity and If they see what you're doing and how you're acting they're going to model on that No matter what they learn in school or not, like you're definitely going to be far more influential on them in that regard. So make sure whatever they're not learning in school They're learning the right things From you because those are two variables that I just don't think they're going to get a whole lot of there It's very hard to teach those things there and much more is going to be You know put on us As a, as parents at home, right?
Be a leader that you need to be so that they can see a good example. So as always guys, thanks so much for listening and I'll catch you next week.
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