Clay Jones, Owner of 901 PT in Memphis, TN

Meet Clay--- he used to work in a high volume insurance based PT practice. He’s a manual therapy ninja and knew he couldn't treat people the way he wanted to in this “traditional model”.
Clay decided to start a cash-based practice so he could work with people one on one. This would allow him to maximize his amazing hands on skill set and get great results for his clients. There was just one catch.
He had to sell his truck to get the money to start his practice. That's a serious commitment.
Like many great clinicians that start a cash-based practice, Clay had some decent success starting out but knew he was missing some things. He reached out to us to help organize his business so he could hire a staff PT to help treat patients and get more time back to spend with his 4 kids.
Let’s break it down:
Who? Clay Jones
Problem: Busy but time poor. No idea how to scale his cash-based practice past himself and hitting a revenue ceiling due to just one provider.
Solution: The PT Entrepreneur Mastermind (my 12 month coaching program for cash-based practice owners looking to dramatically grow their business)
Did it work? Yep! Not only did Clay get his truck back but in the course of two short years he’s scaled to a stand alone facility. He now has 5 full time PTs and a full time office manager working in his company. His wife is co-owner of the business and manages all of their marketing, social media, and website needs. Every dollar is from cash paying clients and he’s never taken an insurance contract the entire time he’s been open.
Here’s what I can tell you about Clay:
He’s an incredibly passionate clinician and loves working with his patients.
This is why he had early success but eventually he ended up trapping himself. It sounds weird to be too busy but that’s what happened to him. He had spent his career developing his clinician skills but to grow past himself, he had to become a business owner.
The end result is more money but more than anything, more time freedom to spend with his wife and 4 kids!
Not only that, he’s been able to bring on amazing clinicians and save them from a career of 20+ patients a day.
Are you ready to dive head first into your own cash-based practice or scale your current practice?
If so, I have good news! We can help get you results like this. It won’t be easy, nor will it happen overnight, but I’ve seen it happen over and over again and it’s very possible.
You’ve got to be hungry, driven, ready to listen and ready to implement the things that will change your career and business forever.
If this sounds like you, it’s time to get to work!
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