Jaxie Meth, Owner of The Method Performance and Physical Therapy

Meet Jaxie--- she started her cash-based practice in January of 2020. Two months later...the world shut down...but her practice is thriving!
Jaxie was sick of seeing a ton of patients and having minimal to no control over her own schedule.
A cash-based practice seemed like a great solution. She could work the the people she wanted to work with, when she wanted to work with them.
The problem was, she wasn’t growing very fast. She was also mobile and was driving all over town to work with people. This cost her a ton of time each day.
She enrolled in our Clinical Rainmaker and some pretty amazing things happened.
Let’s break it down:
Who? Jaxie Meth
Problem: Time poor, working multiple jobs, undercharging and not getting enough new clients.
Solution: The Clinical Rainmaker Coaching Program.
Did it work? Yep! Her business went from $6K/month to $20K/month within 3 months of starting our Clinical Rainmaker program.
The biggest linchpins for Jaxie were implementing a proven sales process, charging what she was worth and moving to a physical location instead of mobile.
Not only did she increase her revenue but she got a ton of her time back. Also, since her interview on our podcast (posted above) she has hired on a full time PT and opened her very own space! All in less than two years of owning her business.
Here’s what I can tell you about Jaxie:
She’s amazing with people. Seriously, I don’t know anyone that gets to talk to her or meet her and doesn’t think she’s great.
The problem is, being great with people just isn’t enough to have a successful business. Once she bolted on some proven business systems to what she was already doing, she was off to the races!
Ongoing accountability and working on the right things is a recipe for success.i
Are you ready to dive head first into your own cash-based practice or scale your current practice?
If so, I have good news! We can help get you results like this. It won’t be easy, nor will it happen overnight, but I’ve seen it happen over and over again and it’s very possible.
You’ve got to be hungry, driven, ready to listen and ready to implement the things that will change your career and business forever.
If this sounds like you, it’s time to get to work!
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A lack of direction and plan may already be costing you a great deal.
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