E484 | Spring 2022 Mastermind Event Lessons Learned

Today, we are recapping what was an amazing Mastermind Live event in Charleston, SC. I wanted to lay out my thoughts on the two days we all spent together. Bringing the 150+ businesses that we work with together allows us to connect in a way that really helps move this profession forward. Enjoy!...

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E483 | The Sneaky Credit Card Benefit I Never Thought I'd Use

Today, we are talking about a sneaky little perk that has to do with credit cards and owning a business. A lot of times, people just get credit cards to buy things they cannot afford, but I wanted to share something that I think can be a bit more useful when using a business credit card. Enjoy!

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E482 | The Future of Performance Based Clinics

Today, I am talking about how I see the future of our profession based on the past 8 years of owning my own practice. We work with over 150 businesses and this allows us to better see the evolution that is taking place within cash-based practices. There are certain trends taking place and today...

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E481 | How To Increase Your Show Up Rate

No-shows and cancellations happen to everyone. It can be frustrating but it is almost a guarantee that it's going to happen to you. Today, I am talking about strategies to drastically reduce this from happening and how you can prepare for this now. Enjoy!


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E480 | The Safest Investment You Can Make

I think the overall goal with investments is to build wealth outside of whatever your income is. I don't really agree with the traditional approach of saving up this huge chunk of cash that you then retire and live off of one day. If you find something you truly enjoy doing, then why retire from...

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E479 | The Best Way To Resell Packages

Selling front-end, prepaid packages to your clients produces better outcomes for the people that you are treating but it also gives you a cash-flow spike as well. Better outcomes with your clients then produce more referrals and repeat business. Today, I talk about the best way we have seen in...

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E478 | Q/A Part 1

There are quite a few questions that we regularly get regarding running a cash-based practice and how to run them successfully. Today, I wanted to go over some of the more common ones I see. Enjoy!

PT Everywhere:

Do you enjoy the...

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E477 | The Difficult Part Of Charging What You're Worth

A common reservation we see with Physical Therapists looking to venture into Cash-PT is being nervous about charging over $100 based on their current outcomes with insurance. I wanted to reassure some of you today on why you are in fact well worth charging what your unique skill-set is worth....

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E476 | The Importance of Brand Building

Yves and I discuss one of the biggest and most underutilized aspects of your business, and that is your brand. If you want to eventually build a business and scale past yourself one day, you have got to build a brand in order to achieve this. We dive into strategies that have worked for us in...

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E475 | The Power Of Social Proof

One thing that I don't think people leverage enough in their businesses is social proof. It can be one of the most powerful tools in marketing and today I wanted to give examples of what I mean by this. Enjoy!

PT Everywhere:

Do you...

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E474 | Software Worth Using In Your Practice

A lot of us go down rabbit holes on which software we should be using in our practices. This could be e-mail services, EMR's, website options. There are so many different options that it can be daunting knowing which ones to choose. I have been there in my very own practice. Today, I wanted to...

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E473 | The True Value Of A Cash-Based Practice

What's up, everyone? Welcome back to the podcast! Are in-network and hybrid practices more scalable than Cash-Practices? They are. The decision to have a cash-based practice is not based on financials. It is based on being able to work with highly compliant, very motivated individuals who want...

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