E416 | Interview with Zac Lynch (Success in a Small Town)

Find out how Zac grew his cash-based practice in the smallest county in Tennessee.

Zac loves what he does. He loves his small town and really wanted to bring a performance-based practice to his community. He took the leap and found out really quickly that people were craving something like this....

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E415 | Inflation And What You Can Do About It

In this installment of The P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast, we are talking inflation.  Whether you like it or not, it is here.  I wanted to give you three things I would do to control your own destiny.  Thank you so much for listening and enjoy!

Ready to elevate your practice? Book a...

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E414 | The Top 5 Business Lessons From The Past 7 Years Running A Cash-Based Practice

Welcome back to the P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast!  On this episode, I will be reflecting back on 7 years of owning and operating a cash-based practice.  Some of these lessons I have learned are super important not only for me, but I think for the clinicians we also work with with Physical...

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E413 | How Should You Charge For Personal Training In Your Cash-Based Practice


In this episode, I give a brief update on our upcoming Mastermind Live Event in Dallas in September. 

I also get into a common scenario we see especially with people early on in their business.  That scenario is being a personal trainer along with being a physical therapist...

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E412 | 4 Keys To A 5-10K A Month Side Hustle


The infamous side hustle! Performance-based clinicians have been using this for years to dip their toes in the water bc let's be honest most of us are too scared to burn the ships (and rightfully so). We've got families to take care of. Student loans to pay. And we really don't know what...

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E411 | The Real Benefit To Taking A Chance On Yourself


What you're going to hear today is a message sent to me from one of our Mastermind members. We use an app called Voxer to constantly keep an open line of communication with everyone we work with. This episode is two messages between myself and one of our members who I will not name but...

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E226 | It's Not All About New Patients

On episode 226 of The PT Entrepreneur Podcast, I want PT entrepreneurs to understand that there are variations of revenue.  You don't need to feel like chasing down new patients is the only way to run your business and I get into what these other streams of revenue can look like for you.


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E225 | One Tweak To Improve Workshops

If you are not running workshops, I highly recommend you begin holding them as soon as possible.  Today I discuss the biggest mistakes I see people committing when holding their own workshops.

Ready to elevate your practice? Book a call at the link below with one of our expert consultants...

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E224 | 3 Big Takeaways From Our Staff Retreat

On today's episode, I wanted to talk about why it is so important to me and our business to enjoy a staff retreat. 

Why do we spend a lot of money and give up patient volume to get away for a couple of days?  We do this because not only can we focus on our business goals, but more...

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E223 | Three Big Takeaways From The Blueprint Live Event

On episode 223 of The Pt Entrepreneur Podcast, I recap our Blueprint Live Event from this past week. 

We hosted performance based cash practitioners ranging from $0 in monthly revenue to $8,000 in revenue.  I cover what we did in these two days to what I learned hosting this event.


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E222 | Pricing and What It Says About Your Practice

On today's podcast, I am joined by Yves Gege and Jerred Moon.  We get into the topic of pricing and how charging more psychologically affects your potential patients. 

When it comes to your body, people don't always want the cheapest option possible.  If you're trying to compete...

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E221 | How Many "Friends" Do You Have?

Do you want to have a bulletproof cash-based practice?  Then you must be willing to develop strong, local relationships with other business owners.  As you get busier as a cash-based practice owner, we tend to see a drop off with continuing to maintain these relationships, and I think...

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