E441 | Why Profit Is So Important

One of my favorite topics is profit and finances and today I am talking about why it is so important to be ultra clear on your business numbers. This will help you be very clear on where to put your efforts within your business. Enjoy!

Ready to elevate your practice? Book a call at the link belo...

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E440 | Chad Burnham Interview


Today's episode features Mastermind Member, Chad Burnham! Chad has owned ProForm Physical Therapy located in Salisbury, MA since 2016! We discuss his practice, how things are going for him, and much more! Enjoy!

Ready to elevate your practice? Book a call at the link below with one of our exp...

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E439 | What Happens When You Upgrade Your Entrepreneurial Skillset


Today's episode comes from a conversation I had with a fellow entrepreneur who is much further along than I am, and someone that is an industry leader in the health & wellness industry. This particular person may end up being a guest presenter at one of our future live events. I think this epi...

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E438 | 5 Lessons Learned From The Mastermind Live Event


Welcome back to The PT Entrepreneur Podcast! I wanted to share some afterthoughts on what was an amazing event last month for our Mastermind members in Texas. It can be a challenge to plan and organize an event for 120 people, but we successfully did this and can't wait until the next one! Enjoy...

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E437 | How To Deal With The Unknown

As an Entrepreneur, you will certainly deal with the unknown. It's something that will come back to you over and over again. At times, this unknown feeling can be downright crippling and scary. What will get you through this feeling is knowing how to work your plan and always make sure you are fo...

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E436 | Patient Retention

How to keep your patients your patients on the schedule so they will finish their POC, get the result they want, and send you WOM referrals!

Ready to elevate your practice? Book a call at the link below with one of our expert consultants today and start your journey to delivering unparalleled physi...

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E435 | Why Fear Is Killing You

Today's episode is a quick story about fear and how it can lead to the pain of inaction. We have all been in the position of dragging our feet, avoiding doing something we probably have the ability to do, but the fear creeps in. This is a bad place to be, but I wanted to talk about how to overcom...

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E434 | Cash PT Rockstar Ziad Dahdul

What is up, everyone? This week, I am joined by one of my favorite Mastermind members that we get a chance to work with and he is Ziad Dahdul! Ziad grew up in Southern California playing basketball and baseball competitively. His passion for sports is what drove him to become a physical therapist...

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E433 | How To Be More Charismatic

Charisma. Are you born with it? Is it something that you can develop or improve over time? We all know charismatic people when we see them. Everyone can notice when someone is bringing attention to themselves in a positive way. Today, I wanted to tell you that if you are not charismatic, you can ...

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E432 | Why You Need A Rock Solid Front Desk

Yves and I dive into why you need an administrative team and how they can help grow your business.

Ready to elevate your practice? Book a call at the link below with one of our expert consultants today and start your journey to delivering unparalleled physical therapy.

PT Everywhere:Ā https:/...

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E431 | The Real Reason People Continue To Work With Us

Today, I am talking about one of the reasons people continue to work with us in the cash-based practice, movement-based, and performance-based world.Ā  This stems from an exercise we did with our staff at an off-site retreat recently.Ā  Enjoy!

Ready to elevate your practice? Book a call at the lin...

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E430 | Live with Colleen the GOAT of Cash PT


In this episode of the P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast, Yves sits down to discuss all thingsĀ Cash PT, adaptive fitness training, with Mastermind member, Colleen Davis of GOAT Physical Therapy!

Ready to elevate your practice? Book a call at the link below with one of our expert consultants today and...

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