E428 | The Keys To A Fast Growing Cash-Based Practice With Patrick Suarez

Patrick created Suarez Sport and Orthopedic Physical therapy in order to take a holistic approach to making people feel and move better.

Patrick graduated from Hamilton college earning his Bachelors of Science Degree in Biology and went on to receive his Doctor of Physical Therapy from The...

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E427 | Business Lessons From A Video Game

On this week's Thursday episode of the P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast, we are talking video games.  Yes, we're talking video games.  These games are sneaky effective at teaching you business lessons within them.  One game in particular, Roller Coaster Tycoon, is amazing at doing...

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E426 | How To Get 50 New Cash Clients Per Month

Today, Yves and I discuss how to get 50 local, new, cash-clients every single month.  In order to be able to scale past yourself and really grow your business, you have to get to this 20-50 new patients every month.  We discuss the channels in which we use to accomplish this and how we...

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E425 | The Secret To Becoming Wealthy

Today, we're talking about money and this can be a sore subject for some.  For some people, money can just create problems for people and this is something I've had to learn how to develop and get a better relationship with.  It takes time to develop this relationship, and today, I...

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E424 | Cash-Based Practice Start Up With William Schopp

Today we get to dig into the business story of William Schopp.  He owns a fast growing cash-based practice in the LA area and is an active member of our Mastermind.  He digs into why he believes you're born an entrepreneur.  Why he believes you must invest in yourself.  What...

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E423 | 4 Keys To A Cash-Based Practice Turnaround

To date, our company, PT Biz, just cracked 1,000 businesses that we have worked with in some sort of capacity.  I felt this was a great opportunity to talk about the frameworks we see that lead to great turnarounds in cash-based practice.  Enjoy!

Ready to elevate your practice? Book a...

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E422 | Should You Move To A Stand Alone Space?

We are seeing a massive amount of growth in the businesses we work with.  Many of our clients are moving to stand alone facilities or purchasing buildings.  Yves and I share out advice on moving to a stand alone space or purchasing commercial real estate as you continue to grow your...

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E421 | The Key To Transitioning From Self Employed To Business Owner

If you are wanting to take that next step from creating a job for yourself to becoming a true business owner, this episode is for you!  Everyone that starts a business should build it in a way that they can one day exit that business, even if they don't want to.  I discuss why that it...

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E420 | Social Media Secrets

This episode is from a Facebook Live from my partners Yves Gege and Jerred Moon.  They take a deep dive into their social media secrets and what has worked for them.  Enjoy!

Ready to elevate your practice? Book a call at the link below with one of our expert consultants today and start...

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E419 | Three Profit Centers To Add To Your Cash-Based Practice

On this episode, we are talking about ways to improve profitability in your cash-based practice that don't involve seeing more patients.

One of the huge values of a cash-based practice is that it allows you to have a relationship with your client in a way that they know you are going to get them...

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E418 | Student Debt and How To Increase Your Earning Potential With F Scott Feil

Today, I am excited to be joined by my friend, Dr. F Scott Feil.  We engage in a fairly informal conversation about our profession, and student debt in particular and how people can start to chip away at their debt in much better ways.

Dr. F Scott Feil is a physical therapist and educator...

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E417 | What My Friend Learned From Dying For 4 Minutes

On this Thursday episode of The P.T. Entrepreneur Podcast, I have a crazy story to share with you all. 

It's about a friend of mine who I used to Crossfit with and what happened to him after literally dying for four minutes!  I think this story will give some perspective on life, your...

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