E448 | Clarity Leads To Action

Yves and I go over why we created our new 5 Day Challenge and how this will help you take the next massive step in your business.

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E447 | Why You Shouldn't Start A Cash-Based Practice

Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about what a cash-based practice is and what this opportunity actually is. In preparation for a training I put together for the Institute for Athlete Regeneration.

I had to really think about justifying why somebody would even want to go this route. It's hard...

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E446 | Golf Niche For The Win With Russ Manalastas

Today, I chat with golf niche guru and Mastermind Member, Russ Manalastas, of MANA Performance Therapy! Dr. Russ started his company with the vision to provide care that far exceeds what athletes and people are getting in the traditional medical model.

In addition to his duties at MANA, he also...

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E444 | Raise Your Prices With Roger St. Onge


Are you willing to be comfortable with being uncomfortable? We can’t answer that for you! But we can show you the path, give you the tools, and gentle (and not so gentle) nudges in the right direction! If you want to learn how to raise your prices and charge what you’re worth...

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E443 | The Importance Of Playing The Long Game


A question I get quite a bit is, "how do I develop relationships with other business owners or people that can end up being a referral and/or strategic partners?" My answer to this is always to be extremely patient and do it as slow as possible. I talk about why I think you should follow...

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E442 | Andrew Millet Interview


Today, Andrew Millet joins me to discuss what has led to his success in scaling a cash-based practice within a gym. He is the owner of Move Strong Physical Therapy in Hudson, MA. There are many valuable lessons within on scaling a cash-based practice as well as starting a cash...

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E441 | Why Profit Is So Important

One of my favorite topics is profit and finances and today I am talking about why it is so important to be ultra clear on your business numbers. This will help you be very clear on where to put your efforts within your business. Enjoy!

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E440 | Chad Burnham Interview


Today's episode features Mastermind Member, Chad Burnham! Chad has owned ProForm Physical Therapy located in Salisbury, MA since 2016! We discuss his practice, how things are going for him, and much more! Enjoy!

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E439 | What Happens When You Upgrade Your Entrepreneurial Skillset


Today's episode comes from a conversation I had with a fellow entrepreneur who is much further along than I am, and someone that is an industry leader in the health & wellness industry. This particular person may end up being a guest presenter at one of our future live events. I think...

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E438 | 5 Lessons Learned From The Mastermind Live Event


Welcome back to The PT Entrepreneur Podcast! I wanted to share some afterthoughts on what was an amazing event last month for our Mastermind members in Texas. It can be a challenge to plan and organize an event for 120 people, but we successfully did this and can't wait until the next one!...

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E437 | How To Deal With The Unknown

As an Entrepreneur, you will certainly deal with the unknown. It's something that will come back to you over and over again. At times, this unknown feeling can be downright crippling and scary. What will get you through this feeling is knowing how to work your plan and always make sure you are...

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E436 | Patient Retention

How to keep your patients your patients on the schedule so they will finish their POC, get the result they want, and send you WOM referrals!

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